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Borders Primary Schools
Birdbox Project

Providing Borders primaries with x10 birdboxes each

Borders Bird Box Project: Welcome

The Borders Primary Schools Birdbox Project is now in its third year. With 400 boxes already delivered and a further 200 under construction by Tom in his workshop at Bloomfield Cottage, the Project is well on its way to delivering x10 birdboxes to each of the 60 Borders primary schools.
There are three major aims for the Borders Primary Schools Birdbox Project. Firstly, we wish for every primary school child in the Scottish Borders to be able to access this resource and to enjoy the valuable learning experience and hope that the children’s interaction with the wild world around them will engender a lifelong interest and empathy for Nature. Secondly, we want to create much needed nest spaces for our region’s small birds. The prospect of 600 nest boxes erected in playgrounds for the 2023 Spring nesting season represents a huge opportunity to make a significant positive impact on our region’s small-bird population. Finally, we wish to continue to demonstrate that large-scale regional projects of this nature can be executed at minimal financial cost. In so doing, we hope to inspire others to take on similar challenges in other regions.
The Borders Primary Schools Birdbox Project is funded by the Nineveh Charitable Trust and is being delivered by GreenTweed Eco with the assistance of Tweed Forum. We were delighted to receive the support of the RSPB,  British Trust for Ornithology and many other charities.
The Project was also awarded the 2020 Young People’s Trust for the Environment/TOTAL Better Energy Schools Award and the 2020 Scottish Land & Estates Conservation Award and GreenTweed Eco was shortlisted for the RSPB’s 2020 Youth & Education Nature of Scotland Award – arguably Scotland’s biggest conservation and environmental award

See the Borders Primary Schools Birdbox Project featured on the Tweed Forum website!

Borders Bird Box Project: Text

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